
COIN Is Obsolete In A 5GW Context

Standard COIN thinking centers on winning support of the populace which makes up the cloud-like networked supply line of insurgencies. In doing so insurgents lose their base of support including funding, recruitment and protection. This undertaking is referred to as “draining the swamp”.

Bleeding edge warriors, Global Guerrillas, lay claim to black globalization as their supply system. Their swamp is a global networked cloud with transactions amounting to somewhere around $3 trillion annually. They are empowered by this alternative system. The world is their swamp.

Looking ahead it becomes clear that as super empowered individuals rise they will progressively swallow that cloud. SEI’s inherently internalize the supply line. Their self sufficiency makes up a major chunk of their empowerment. The global swamp becomes a global ocean as the muck consolidates into itself.

The ascension of this of this global interconnected ocean, this global platform renders classic “draining the swamp” efforts obsolete. Without a supply line, a networked cloud, to target COIN doctrine collapses.

But, as the time of 4GW has not yet passed, if properly applied classic COIN can be leveraged to decelerate the rise of super empowered individuals. The problem with such caveats as “properly” is they are rarely heeded.

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